Hi there! HCSA SPIN is partnering with SATA CommHealth to provide free of charge HPV Vaccination to all females age 27 to 45 years old. We believe that vaccination is important for protection and the HPV vaccination is one of the few vaccinations that provides protection against cervical cancer in females.
Please read all the FAQ below to have a better understanding before signing up.
1. Who is eligible for the vaccine in this collaboration between SATA CommHealth and HCSA SPIN?
Females between 27 to 45 years old, who holds a blue/orange CHAS card
*This vaccination drive is open for all, regardless of SPIN Member/Alumni, HCSA beneficiary
2. What do the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine do?
The HPV vaccines protect against infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a common virus and almost everyone gets it at some point of time in their lives. There are over 100 strains, and about 13 strains can lead to cervical cancer. As HPV is a common virus, our bodies are able to clear the infection on its own. However, high-risk HPV strains such as HPV 16 and 18 may cause a persistent infection, which can lead to cervical cancer. The HPV strains 16 and 18 are estimated to account for about 70% of cervical cancer cases.
3. How many doses of HPV vaccine do i need to take?
You will need to take 3 doses of the HPV vaccine to get full protection.
We have scheduled the first dose on 22nd Feb (Sat), second dose on 19th Apr (Sat) and third dose on 23rd Aug (Sat).
The second dose is about 2months apart from the first dose
The third dose is about 4 months apart from the second dose
4. What vaccine will SATA CommHealth be giving?
SATA CommHealth will be administering the HPV9 (Gardasil 9) vaccine. It provides protection against an additional 20% of cancer-causing HPV types, and is registered for use for both females and males.
5. What if I cannot make it for the second and/or third dose?
It is highly recommended that you take all 3 doses to get the protection. Any fewer doses won’t offer any protection. SATA CommHealth’s advice will be to go for the next vaccination drive whereby you’re able to commit for all 3 doses.
6. What if I don’t hold a blue/orange CHAS card but i wish to be vaccinated?
Unfortunately, this particular vaccination programme is not applicable for you. But we encourage you to head to a private clinic/polyclinic or one of the SATA CommHealth branches to arrange your HPV vaccination at your cost.
7. Date & Time & Venue & Cost
Date: 22nd Feb, 19th Apr and 23rd Aug (Sat)
Time: 1000hrs to 1200hrs
Address: 1 Lorong 23 Geylang, Block 4, #01-04, Singapore 388352
Cost: Free of Charge for Blue/Orange CHAS card holders