Take Care Of Your Own Health
Why self-care? The answer is simple: Without you, there is no family.
Listen up, mummies (especially first-time mums): Self-care is the greatest discipline. Do not underestimate what you are doing. Enjoyment is not selfish. Here are the tips for new mums to care for themselves while caring for their newborn babies.
To all mothers and care-givers of children: Self-care is crucial. Read on to understand why you need 10 minutes of “me-time” a day.
Your Postnatal Health
Follow-up visits after birth will ensure that you and your baby are fit and healthy to face the years ahead.
Postnatal/Pregnancy Check-ups
Four to six weeks after giving birth, your doctor or midwife will call you in to check on your physical recovery from pregnancy and delivery, to assess your emotional health and to decide on the course of action for the months ahead.
Prepare yourself for these check-ups by finding out more.
Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression is a condition that is common among new mothers. Seek help and speak to someone.
Postnatal Depression Intervention Programme
It is an initiative (open to non-KKH patients too) started in April 2008 by KKH Women’s Mental Wellness Service for women who are suffering from postnatal depression.
Read more:
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